Monday, April 28, 2008


So apparently my neglect of this blog has reached the attention of some readers, who believe that my will to post has faltered following my second post, and that, like many blogs out on the interwebs, two posts is as far as the blog will go.

This is a lie! I will have at *least* three posts!

So the main reason for my lack of posting is mostly just that I don't want to whinge about here is an update on my life in four dot points.

- Work sucks
- I'm sick
- With tonsilitis
- Again

Okay and yes those are dash points but still. So of course the fun part is that I get sick again the day before I fly to Perth to visit my wonderful friend Jamie. So I have spent the last 3 days passed out on a couch/bed in perth, briefly moving around to do actvities before crawling back into a bed/couch to rest. In other words not fun.

I did however find my clone in Perth, although he doesn't look identical to me, in terms of his mannerisms etc. he is very much like me. it is both odd and scary. and i know that the punctuation in this paragraph has gone to the shit and i very much don't care. and i know that if he doesn't look like me technically he isn't my clone.

Anyways work tommorrow. I was going to call in sick but instead I'm doing a halfday then taking the rest of the week off. I feel I win in this arrangement.

Night Children.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Allergic Reactions

Ladies and Gentlemen, I fear I may be allergic to may now commence panicking. may now drink some vodka.

Okay now that that episode is over (and even if you weren't panicking, I hope you drank vodka), I will explain. So as a short yet sweet whinge at the end of my last post revealed, I had tonsilitis, was on some fun antibiotic drugs to make things better, which is what happened..and tada! Healthy tonsils. However side effect ahoy in the form of a lovely rash, which according to my friendly doctor indicates I'm either allergic to penicillin or have glandular fever. I have a feeling it's option A though.

So, that annoys me. The more severe of my gripes is work related. You see, for several months now I have asked work for more hours, so that I can facilitate moving out of home without a relocation of workplace, and they have declined because apparently there's no money. Our full timer (our sole full timer) in the paint department just quit. Instead of like...promoting their next most senior person (ie. me), they have decided to find two new people...and train them up. I would of course me training them...would I get trainer wages for this? I think not! So umm...there will probably be words had.

In addition...they feel I should work 35hrs a week...when I'm getting paid for 24. You see, Bunnings has this amazing overtime system...where when we work over our contracted hours, it goes into a "bank of hours"...which means that if we work less than contracted comes out of there. It works in theory...because time off yay! Except there will be no way for me to get this time off..cuz there's noone to replace me *now* let alone when our full timer goes. So stress. And Anger. And Illness.

Peace Out

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So in the shameless spirit of copying I have now created a blog, in copying of Luke. Why? Because I miss blogging. And also because I'm bored. Now some of you may (*cough*) may think to point out that in fact there has been a niche in the market for myself to create a blog for quite some time, and I should have hurried up and copied them earlier.

I have no defense to such a claim.

Anyways, for those of you wishing to keep tabs (which is none of you)..I'm in Sunny (or wet/windy/cloudy/boiling hot depending on what time of day) Melbourne...where I am a paint monkey at Bunnings while I slave away writing my English thesis on a video game.

Yes you read that correctly, I am writing a thesis on a video game. Why? Mostly just because I can, and also because I feel that if I have to endure 15,000 words of writing on something, it should be something I enjoy. Can you imagine writing 15k words on Shakespeare without wishing to give yourself a lethal papercut? I think not! Therefore Bioshock it is.

I warn you now, when I get creative in the production of my grand Thesial work, the chances of notes/chapters of Thesis spontaneously appearing on blogspot are rather high, and although many of you won't give a damn, I will be satisfied in my creation of another rather lengthy post that serves a double purpose.

Anyways children! This concludes our first episode of "If I only had content". I promise a greater lack-of-content in further updates. I expect the next one to be me whinging about tonsilitis (which ive avoiding whinging about so far (until now - tonsilitis sucks!))