Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So in the shameless spirit of copying I have now created a blog, in copying of Luke. Why? Because I miss blogging. And also because I'm bored. Now some of you may (*cough*) may think to point out that in fact there has been a niche in the market for myself to create a blog for quite some time, and I should have hurried up and copied them earlier.

I have no defense to such a claim.

Anyways, for those of you wishing to keep tabs (which is none of you)..I'm Andrew..21..live in Sunny (or wet/windy/cloudy/boiling hot depending on what time of day) Melbourne...where I am a paint monkey at Bunnings while I slave away writing my English thesis on a video game.

Yes you read that correctly, I am writing a thesis on a video game. Why? Mostly just because I can, and also because I feel that if I have to endure 15,000 words of writing on something, it should be something I enjoy. Can you imagine writing 15k words on Shakespeare without wishing to give yourself a lethal papercut? I think not! Therefore Bioshock it is.

I warn you now, when I get creative in the production of my grand Thesial work, the chances of notes/chapters of Thesis spontaneously appearing on blogspot are rather high, and although many of you won't give a damn, I will be satisfied in my creation of another rather lengthy post that serves a double purpose.

Anyways children! This concludes our first episode of "If I only had content". I promise a greater lack-of-content in further updates. I expect the next one to be me whinging about tonsilitis (which ive avoiding whinging about so far (until now - tonsilitis sucks!))


Luke! said...

I am impressed that you've finally decided to copy me, and Luke - but it was mostly me! w00t. You now get a link on my blog :P

Luke Davidson said...

Look at this way, you're probably the first one in Sunbury to have a blog - or be able to read and write... :p

I think you should come to Game On again and do some 'research' for your assignment.

Luke (not Ashton - stupid blogger)

Dale said...

Hey Andrew, nice blog. I didn't know you were writing an English thesis! (Or that you lived in Sunbury, but that's a much less interesting point). Anywho, good luck with the mega-word project, I think I'd actually be interested in reading part of it.

That Dale person you kinda know.