Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Psychic Schoolkids pt6

6 Months Earlier

"I don't know who you are, but you're an idiot."

They were the first words Chloe ever said to me, and I'm sure I'll never quite forget them. As was often the case, Kara and Chris had set about merging the groups together, trying to make everyone friends and more importantly, play matchmaker. Although the attempts at setting up Matt and Lisa had failed miserably, which meant that more attention was being placed upon Chloe and myself, and I think we both knew that.

I wasn't entirely sure what had provoked Chloe's attack on me at our frist meeting.I just knew she walked up to me and introduced herself with an insult before sitting down next to Kara and Lisa.

"Chloe, this is Jacob." Kara attempted to be nice with the introductions.

"I know who he is. I know why he's here, this is not going to work." Chloe said.

"Well I kinda agree wit-" I started to agree with the latter part of Chloe's sentence.

"I know you do, that's why it's not going to work. So you sit there with your boys and leave me in peace."

This is the problem with people like Chloe, you get yelled at for things you haven't even done yet, and because you've been yelled at for them you don't even get the chance to do them. It's confusing, especially upon first meeting the girl. All I knew at that moment though, was that she was pissed.

" you want to come for a quick walk with me for a minute?" Kara said.

"No I do not. I know what you're going to say and it's pointless." Chloe said through gritted teeth.

"I don't care." Kara grabbed Chloe and hauled her to her feet. "We're going for a walk."

Everyone else resumed conversation about various things, and I just watched as Kara and Chloe got increasingly annoyed at each other. After a couple of minutes of being calm and level headed I decided I would go over and figure out what the hell was wrong with Chloe. However as I walked up to her, she turned to me.

"You asshole!"

She punched me...Before I knew it I was flat on my back on the floor staring up at her. Seconds later I felt hands touching the sides of my head, and I looked back a bit to see Lisa. The pain from the punch was gone. Chloe reached down and offered me a hand

"Sorry about a bit ahead of myself."

I pushed her hand aside and got up of my own accord. I then felt the burning of everyone's eyes on me, not just from my group of friends, but of half of the student body. I did the only non-violent option, turn around and walk outside.

"Jacob! Wait." Chloe came after me. "I'm sorry...and yes I know...and I know I'm an idiot."

I looked at her puzzled. She knew exactly what she was talking about it, and by the sounds of it also what I was talking about.

"I'm doing both halves of the conversation again aren't I?" She asked. "Okay here's how it works, I see the future. Sometimes week, sometimes next year, but often its a couple of minutes before it happens. You could say I'm not always the most social of people because I know exactly the stupid small talk people are going to have with me and usually I'm bored before they even start it."

"Have you ever thought about letting the other person say the insulting things before you hit them? What was I going to say in there that was so offensive anyway?"

" I tell you I can see the future and you just accept it?" Chloe was surprised by my reaction. "No way...that's cool.."

"You're doing it again.." I said, slightly losing patience. I hoped I wasn't this annoying in conversations with people.

"Sorry. It is cool though. So can you tell what I'm thinking now?"

"Not thinking...only feeling. And you're even more a little bit frustrated..."

"Okay stop! God I now know how people feel when I don't let them say their bits of the conversation."

"Well like I said, maybe you should let them say it?"

"That's boring. Some conversations are crap the first time let alone the second time."

I suddenly felt a tingle. Like someone a little way off was really excited. I looked behind me to see Kara and Lisa peering through a window at us.

"Oh god." Chloe said, leaning against a wall. "That's all I need, the girls thinking they've played Cupid."

"You do realise we can just be friends, just to piss them off?"

"That'd be fun. Plus with our powers, I think we'd want to kill each other withtin a day."

"More like an hour. You didn't answer my question before either."

"I'd like to think you're too nice to say it..."

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